Date: 28th August 2024
We are pleased to invite qualified auditing firms to submit proposals for auditing services for Together Alive Health Initiative (TAHI). This audit will cover the “Meaningful Voices for Young People with Disability (MVoices)” project, which is funded by Hivos.
About Together Alive Health Initiative (TAHI):
TAHI is a youth-centred, non-profit organization dedicated to promoting sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) through evidence-based programming and advocacy. Our mission is to empower young people with accurate SRHR information and to enhance the SRHR policy environment, with a particular focus on adolescent boys, girls, and young women. Our activities include conducting meanigful dialogues for and with young people, advocating for policy reforms, training healthcare providers. The “MVoices” project aims to amplify the voices of young people with disabilities by enhancing their participation in SRHR policy formulation and social accountability spaces. The project is being implemented in Wakiso and Mukono districts
Scope of Work:
The selected auditing firm will be responsible for the following:
- Conducting a comprehensive audit of the financial records and statements related to the MVoices project.
- Evaluating the internal control systems.
- Providing recommendations for improving financial management practices.
- Issuing an independent auditor’s report.
Proposal Requirements:
Interested auditing firms are requested to submit a proposal that includes the following:
- Company Profile: Outline qualifications, relevant experience, and a brief history of your firm.
- Audit Team: Provide details of the proposed audit team, including qualifications, experience, and roles.
- Audit Methodology: Describe your audit methodology and approach.
- Proposed Timeline: Offer a detailed timetable for completing the audit.
- Fee Structure: Provide a breakdown of your fee structure, including any related costs.
- References: Supply references from similar auditing engagements.
Submission Details:
Please submit your proposals electronically by 9th September 2024 to:
Together Alive Health Initiative
Kisaasi, Kulambiro Rd
Kampala, Uganda
Email: info@tahiug.org