
Together Alive Health Initiative (TAHI)


Program Area


According UNFPA, Uganda's young population is 52% of the population and this is the age that is most affected by HIV/AIDs. The high risk sexually active women account for 16% of the youth, while high risk sexually active men account for 36%. Related to these behavioral challenges are unwanted pregnancies, sexually transmitted infections and cross-generational sex that are grossly exploitative, especially for the girl child.

Sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) are essential for young people in Uganda to lead healthy and productive lives. Unfortunately, many young people in Uganda face numerous challenges when it comes to SRHR. These challenges include limited access to comprehensive sexual education, lack of access to contraception and other reproductive health services, and high rates of gender-based violence.

In order to address these challenges;

It is important to ensure that young people in Uganda have access to comprehensive sexual education. This education should include information about contraception, sexually transmitted infections, and gender-based violence. It should also provide young people with the skills and knowledge to make informed decisions about their sexual and reproductive health.

In addition, it is important to ensure that young people in Uganda have access to contraception and other reproductive health services. This includes providing access to contraception, such as condoms and birth control pills, as well as providing access to safe abortion services. It is also important to ensure that young people have access to information about their sexual and reproductive health, such as information about sexually transmitted infections and how to prevent them.

It is important to address the high rates of gender-based violence in Uganda. This includes providing education about gender-based violence and its effects, as well as providing support services for survivors of gender-based violence.

We are currently working to address these challenges by providing comprehensive sexual education to young people in Uganda. We are also working to ensure that young people have access to contraception and other reproductive health services.

SRHR challenges come with Gender Based Violence especially among girls and young women. We are working to raise awareness about gender-based violence and its effects, as well as providing support services for survivors of gender-based violence.