
Together Alive Health Initiative (TAHI)


Uganda is home to more than 10 million adolescent girls and young women. While many of these women and girls are making progress in their education, health, and overall well-being, there are still many challenges that they face. One of the most pressing challenges is the lack of menstrual health services and resources available to these extremely vulnerable populations.

Adolescent girls in Uganda, who typically begin menstruating between the ages of 10-15, are often forced to miss school or face harsh repercussions if they attend while menstruating. In some cases, they may even receive verbal or physical abuse. This situation is incredibly damaging to the young women’s education and health, and learning.

Many of these girls are unable to afford or access adequate menstrual hygiene supplies, and when they do, it is still far from enough. These girls typically have to manage their menstrual health without the help of parents, teachers, or health professionals, putting them at a great disadvantage.

To this end, TAHI has been working with Afripads to promote menstrual health among marginalized girls in Uganda. In the last five years, we have reached over 21,000 girls in Uganda providing them with access to quality reusable menstrual pads and educational resources on menstrual health. TAHI is also advocating for better menstrual health awareness through campaigns in schools and communities providing support to girls and young women to help manage their periods safely and hygienically. Additionally, TAHI works with ministry of Education and the Ministry of health to ensure that girls and young women have access to reliable information and resources on menstrual health and puberty.