
Together Alive Health Initiative (TAHI)



Socio-accountability is an important concept in the context of resource allocation in Uganda, particularly when it comes to the sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) needs of young people. Socio-accountability is a process of holding decision-makers and service providers accountable to the public for their actions and decisions. It is a way of ensuring that resources are allocated equitably and that the needs of all members of society are taken into account.

In Uganda, there is a need to ensure that young people’s SRHR needs are met. This includes access to comprehensive sexual education, access to contraception and other reproductive health services, and access to safe abortion services. Unfortunately, these needs are often overlooked or ignored due to cultural and religious beliefs. As a result, young people in Uganda are often unable to access the services they need.

In order to ensure equitable resource allocation and to meet the SRHR needs of young people in Uganda, it is important to promote socio-accountability. This can be done through a variety of means, such as public campaigns, public hearings, and citizen monitoring. Public campaigns can be used to raise awareness about the importance of SRHR and to encourage decision-makers to take action. Public hearings can be used to give citizens a platform to voice their concerns and to hold decision-makers accountable. Citizen monitoring can be used to track the progress of resource allocation and to ensure that resources are being used effectively.

To this end, TAHI works with government, stakeholders, civil society actors, international partners, and young people to advocate for equitable access to SRHR resources, as well as ensuring that young people are adequately represented and their voices heard in decision making processes. We also support research and data gathering efforts to ensure that SRHR policies and interventions are evidence-based and informed by the needs of young people. Furthermore, we work to promote accountability among stakeholders and ensure effective implementation of SRHR programs, as well as monitor progress towards achieving socio0accountability in SRHR.